Increase Mission Effectiveness With Stratotegic Navigation
Navigation is the biggest challenge facing the High-Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) industry. Stratotegic is tackling that problem so that HAPS can be widely adopted and the benefits of these technologies can be realized. Stratotegic Navigation is designed to provide an end to end solution for HAPS navigation including on board command and control, wind modelling and path optimization, and ground control capabilities to enable enhanced station keeping and waypoint following for Lighter Than Air (LTA) HAPS.
Increase mission performance
Keep your vehicle within the bounds of your mission
Recover payloads after termination
Enhanced Navigation

Stratotegic will customize software and hardware to meet existing interface specifications

Fully Integrable
Manage more vehicles per operator
Continue the mission, even in a communication blackout

Fully Autonomous
Decrease Costs

Mission related
Leverage the stratospheric winds and decrease power consumption by up to 50%

Energy Efficient

Precise Altitude Control is an essential building block for accurate navigation in the stratosphere. Through R&D partnerships, Stratotegic has developed a flexible altitude control system that maintains performance in all stratospheric conditions. Paired with Stratotegic Navigation's fully autonomous system, your HAPS will be ready to maximize value for your customer's missions.
Altitude Controller & On-Board Navigation
Path Planning & Optimization
Path planning and optimization is a critical part of every mission. An optimized path plan is necessary for both receiving clearance to fly from authorities as well as predicting where your vehicle will be many hours into the future. Stratotegic Navigation utilizes our in house built wind models, leveraging advanced mathematics and Artificial intelligence to deliver the most accurate trajectory and provide you with mission critical information when you need it.
Ground Station
The Ground Station is your hub for everything related to your vehicles. To reduce operator workload, the ground station has been designed with automation at the center. Only alerts that require operator attention will be announced therefore reducing the workload exponentially and enabling a single operator to operate more vehicles safely and effectively.